New Meurer Research, Inc. Video – A Comparison of MRI Inclined Plate Settler Capabilities and Benefits at Startex-Jackson-Wellford-Duncan (SJWD) Water District
Meurer Research, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of a new video that highlights the design and benefits of treating water with MRI Inclined Plate Settlers at a key water treatment facility in Lyman, SC. Utilizing comparative data, video and images, this video proves the benefits of MRI’s plate settlers over those of a competing technology operating in a separate basin at the same plant.
Plate settler technology is utilized to settle out floc, or solids, and allows for increased capacity of water treatment in a reduced space. It is vital to downstream plant operations and maintenance; however, not all plate settler technologies are created equal.
Watch as third party data spanning over four seasons shows how MRI’s plate settlers consistently performed better, avoided turbidity spikes that negatively affect membranes, and provided overall smoother trends. Creation of headloss needed for this even flow and smooth operation is aided by distribution holes on MRI’s Flow Control Deck. MRI’s Hoseless Cable-Vac™ Sludge Collectors are also utilized in both basins at the plant to remove settled solids without disrupting the settling zone. The result is cleaner clarified water, lower water turbidity, and costs savings with MRI technology.
For more information on MRI’s plate settlers or sludge collectors, visit http://www.meurerresearch.com. Please be sure to share, comment and subscribe to MRI’s new YouTube channel and look for more videos to come soon. For any additional information, please contact Lydia Ebert at znexrgvatsy@cnexfba.pbzmoc.noskrap@lfgnitekram .
About Meurer Research, Inc.:
Meurer Research, Inc. engineers and manufactures advanced water and wastewater treatment equipment to solve complex issues facing treatment facilities worldwide. Our products include Inclined Plate Settlers, Hoseless Cable-Vac™ and Ultra-Scraper Sludge Collectors, flocculation systems, mixers, baffles, pilot systems, and package systems. MRI holds over 50 patents and has worked on over 5,000 installations cleaning more than 4 billion gallons of water each day. Based out of Golden, CO, MRI was founded in 1978 and acquired by Parkson Corporation in 2017.